Freitag, 28. September 2012


Fresh Stuff from one of Germanys Alltime Kings, RAZOR COS, northern Germany!
For more hot Stuff visit his Website: !


Montag, 17. September 2012

Brunswick Oldschool

In the past there were a lot of good writers in Brunschwick. Unfortunately there is not much left of the good styles of the past. When I started writing seriously those times were already over. Anyway, I appreciate stuff of these days a lot and every now and then I take a look at Igor's street files account to have a look at his big collection of old school pieces. Here is some stuff I took from his profile.

For more check out :

Mittwoch, 4. April 2012


5 x SKIM QB The City Famous - I love his unique swing and his dancing letters.

Original Flava

31.03.12 - Original Flava "Jam" in Hildesheim. Because of the bad weather it was more like a bigger hall meeting, but it was fun anyway.